Trip Preparations

Here's a quick rundown of the adventure gear I've selected for my trip north to Alaska and back. Riding Gear This is my main set of riding gear. The jersey will get swapped for a wool base layer when the weather dictates. Here's a breakdown: Scorpion EXO-AT950...

This is the month! I've been busy checking off last minute tasks from my to do list, and I leave in about a week. I can't help but feel a bit anxious as I wrap up loose ends and work obligations, just hoping I don't...

I’m about 7 weeks out from my departure date. I'd like to think I’m well prepared, but I’m sure my last days in LA will be hectic. The past few weeks I’ve been getting things in order at home, kitting out my bike, planning the...

It's a beautiful Saturday, but I'm sitting inside writing my first blog post. I had decided last minute to go camping off Angeles Crest Highway today, but got home from work yesterday to find my bike wouldn't crank over. Oh well, could be worse. I'd...

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